ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geography of Cornwall

Cornwall is a place that's very far away from where we are right now. It's on the edge of the land, where the land meets the sea. You know how we sometimes go to the beach and see the sea? Cornwall is like one big beach, with lots of sand and sea all around it.

There are lots of hills and cliffs in Cornwall too. That means there are places where the land goes higher and higher, and it can be a bit scary to look down from there. But sometimes, you can see really cool things like birds flying around or boats sailing on the sea.

There are also lots of little towns and villages in Cornwall, with houses and shops and people who live there. They eat different foods from us, like pasties, which are a bit like pies but with meat and vegetables inside.

One really important thing about Cornwall is that it used to be its own country a long time ago. That means the people who lived there had their own language and traditions and way of doing things. Even now, some people in Cornwall still speak a different language called Cornish.

So that's the geography of Cornwall - it's a place far away with lots of sand and sea, hills and cliffs, towns and villages, and its own history and culture.
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