ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geometric hashing

Geometric hashing is like playing a game of "I Spy" with pictures. Just like how we find objects in a picture by looking for specific colors or shapes, computers can do the same thing with geometric hashing.

Imagine you have a bunch of pictures of things like triangles, squares, and circles, and you want the computer to find these shapes in other pictures. Instead of comparing the pictures pixel by pixel, which would take a lot of time, we can use geometric hashing.

Geometric hashing group similar shapes together based on their unique features, like how many sides a shape has or the angles between its sides. These unique features are like clues that help the computer identify which group a shape belongs to.

For example, triangles have three sides and three angles, and squares have four sides and four right angles. When the computer sees a shape with three sides and three angles, it knows that it's a triangle and can easily find all the other triangles in the picture by matching the unique features.

So, geometric hashing is basically a way for computers to quickly find pictures with similar shapes by using unique features as clues to group them together.
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