ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geometry and topology

Geometry is like playing with shapes. You know how we have circles, squares, triangles, and other shapes? Geometry helps us understand and measure these shapes. We use numbers like length, height, and width to describe them. Geometry also helps us figure out how to put shapes together to make bigger shapes. It's like putting together a puzzle!

Topology is also about shapes, but it's more about how they are connected to each other. Imagine you have a rubber band. You can stretch it, bend it, and twist it, but you can never break it or cut it. Topology is like studying the different ways you can twist, bend, and stretch that rubber band without breaking it.

So, in a way, geometry is like studying individual shapes and topology is like studying how these shapes are connected to each other. Both are important in understanding our world and how we can make sense of it.