ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

German Colonial Empire

The German colonial empire was a time when Germany went to other places in the world to make them part of their country.

Just like how your parents may have taken you to a new playground to play, Germany wanted to take over new lands to play in and explore.

These new lands were far away from Germany, like in Africa and Asia, and had many different people already living there. Germany wanted to be in charge of these people and their lands.

They set up German buildings and made German laws in these new places. Germany also wanted to make money from these new lands by selling things like coffee, rubber, and other resources back to Germany.

But this desire for power and money caused lots of problems with the people who already lived in these places. They didn't want to be ruled by Germany and didn't want to give up their resources.

Eventually, after causing a lot of harm and conflict, Germany lost these territories in World War I and they became independent countries.