Germanic peoples are a group of people who historically lived in parts of what we now call Europe. They were called Germanic because they spoke a language that evolved into modern German, as well as other languages like Dutch, Swedish, and Norwegian.
Think of it like this: you and your friends might all speak the same language, but you all have different ways of saying things or words that are only used in your area. That's kind of what happened with the Germanic peoples. Over time, their language developed into different variations that were still similar enough to be called Germanic languages.
The Germanic peoples weren't all one big group - there were different tribes and groups that lived in different parts of Europe. Some of the most well-known are the Vikings, the Anglo-Saxons, the Franks, and the Goths. They had their own cultures, traditions, and ways of life.
One thing that's interesting about the Germanic peoples is that they had a big impact on history. For example, the Roman Empire used to be really powerful, but then the Germanic tribes started invading and taking over parts of it. The Vikings also raided and traded all over Europe, and their ships were some of the best in the world at the time.
Even though the Germanic tribes aren't around anymore in the same way they used to be, we can still see their influence today. For example, if you speak a language that's related to German, you're kind of like a distant cousin of the Germanic peoples. And if you're interested in things like medieval history, you'll probably hear a lot about the different Germanic tribes and the impact they had on the world.