ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Giant's Causeway

The Giant's Causeway is a really special place full of big rocks that look like they were made by a giant. It's located in Northern Ireland, near the sea. The rocks are made out of a special kind of rock called basalt that was formed from a volcano a very long time ago.

The cool thing about the Giant's Causeway is that the rocks are shaped like hexagons, which is like a six-sided shape. They fit together perfectly like a puzzle, and it looks like they were made that way on purpose. In fact, lots of people used to believe that a giant named Finn MacCool made the rocks.

Some scientists say that the rocks were actually made by a process called "volcanic activity" which is when a volcano erupts and creates lava that cools down really quickly. When this happens, the lava changes into the special rock called basalt and starts to crack into really neat shapes like the hexagons at the Giant's Causeway.

Either way, the Giant's Causeway is a really special and beautiful place, and lots of people come from all over the world to visit it and see the amazing rocks for themselves.