Okay kiddo, do you know what a car is? Yes? Great! So, a Gibbs Aquada is basically a special kind of car that can also drive on water! Isn't that cool?
Now, let's try to understand how it works. The bottom part of the car has special fins which help the car to float on the water like a boat. And when it's time to go on the road, the driver can retract the fins and the car turns back into a regular car with wheels.
The Gibbs Aquada runs on a special kind of engine that can work in both water and on land. When the car is on water, the engine uses a special propulsion system to move forward, and when it's on land, the engine uses regular wheels to drive.
Now, you might be wondering why someone would need a car that can drive on water? Well, imagine if you live in a place that has a lot of lakes or rivers, or if there's a lot of flooding. You can use the Gibbs Aquada to go from land to water and back again without having to switch to a boat or a different vehicle. Plus, it's really fun to drive on water!
So that's the Gibbs Aquada for you, a car that is also a boat, and is perfect for places where you need to go on both land and water.