ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gift of miracles

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of something called the "gift of miracles"? It's actually something that some people believe they have, and it's all about doing amazing things that seem impossible!

You know how sometimes you might see something happen, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and you can't quite understand how they did it? Well, people who have the gift of miracles can do things like that, but even more incredible!

For example, they might be able to heal someone who is really sick or injured, or they might be able to make something appear out of nowhere, like a loaf of bread when there wasn't any food around. It's like they have a special superpower or magic ability that makes things happen that we can't explain.

Now, not everyone believes in the gift of miracles, and some people think that these amazing things are just coincidence or luck. But for the people who really believe in it, it's a really special and powerful thing that can't be explained by science or logic.

So, that's what the gift of miracles is all about - doing amazing things that seem impossible, and having a special magic power that makes it all happen!
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