ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Glacial landforms

Glacial landforms are things that are made by really big chunks of ice called glaciers. You know how when you play with snow and make a snowball, it gets bigger and bigger? Well, that's kind of like what glaciers do - they pick up a lot of snow and ice as they move around and get bigger and bigger too.

When glaciers move, they can make some pretty cool shapes in the ground. For example, they can make big, deep valleys called cirques. These are like giant bowls that the glacier scooped out of the ground as it moved along.

As glaciers keep moving, they can also create long, narrow valleys called U-shaped valleys. These valleys are like long, skinny bowls that the glacier dug out over time.

Another cool thing glaciers can make is called a moraine. This is like a big pile of rocks and dirt that the glacier carried with it and dropped off when it melted. It can make a really bumpy, hilly landscape.

Glaciers can also make big, round hills called drumlins. These are like big, upside-down spoons that the glacier shaped as it moved forward.

So, in summary, glaciers are really big chunks of ice that move around and carve out the earth to make cool shapes and structures like cirques, U-shaped valleys, moraines, and drumlins.