ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Glycemic index

The glycemic index is a word that helps you understand how much sugar will be released into your body after you eat different types of food.

When you eat food, your body breaks it down into smaller pieces, including sugar. Sugar is the main form of energy that your body uses to do things like run, play, and think.

Some foods have a lot of sugar in them and will make your body release lots of sugar quickly, like candy or soda. Other foods have less sugar and will make your body release it more slowly, like fruit or vegetables.

The glycemic index is like a map that helps you figure out which foods will release sugar quickly and which ones will release it more slowly. Foods that are high on the glycemic index will make your body release sugar quickly, while foods that are low on the glycemic index will make your body release sugar more slowly.

It's important to know about the glycemic index so that you can choose foods that will give you energy for a longer time and won't make you feel hungry soon after you eat. Because if you eat too many foods with lots of sugar or high on the glycemic index too often, it can lead to health problems like diabetes, where your body has trouble controlling the amount of sugar in your blood.