ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gold plating (software engineering)

Imagine you have a toy car that is made of metal, just like gold. Gold plating is when you take that toy car and add a thin layer of gold on top of it to make it look fancy and expensive.

In software engineering, gold plating is kind of like that. It's when developers spend a lot of time and effort adding features and making things look pretty in the software, even though those things aren't really necessary for the software to work properly.

It's like adding decorations to the toy car that aren't actually necessary for the car to move or function as a toy.

While it may make the software look nice and impressive, gold plating can actually be a bad thing because it can waste time and resources that could be spent on more important things like fixing bugs or adding features that are actually useful.

So, just like with the toy car, sometimes it's better to leave things simple and functional instead of adding unnecessary embellishments.