ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Golden Square Mile

Hey there! So, have you ever heard of a place called the Golden Square Mile? It's a really cool neighborhood in Montreal, Canada that's known for being very fancy and wealthy.

Basically, a long time ago, there were a bunch of wealthy and important people living in this area. They built big, beautiful houses and mansions, which made it a really popular place for other fancy and rich people to live.

It's called the Golden Square Mile because of all the money and gold that was flowing through the neighborhood back then. People would come from all over to see the big, fancy houses and all the amazing things the people who lived there had. It was like a treasure trove of wealth and luxury!

Nowadays, the Golden Square Mile is still a really special place. Although the mansions have been turned into things like museums and universities, it's still a really beautiful and interesting part of Montreal. People still love to come and explore the area and learn about all the history and wealth that it's famous for.

Does that make sense? Let me know if you have any questions!