ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Good quantum number

Alright kiddo! So you know how everything in the universe is made up of tiny, tiny particles called atoms, right? These atoms have even smaller parts called electrons that orbit around the center of the atom.

Now, sometimes we want to understand how these electrons move and behave. It's kind of like trying to guess where a ball is going to roll next. But electrons can move in really weird, unpredictable ways that are hard to keep track of.

That's where "good quantum numbers" come in. Scientists have found certain characteristics of electrons that always stay the same. These are called "good quantum numbers." They're like clues that help us figure out how electrons move and where they might be.

A good quantum number could be something like the energy level of an electron or its spin. These are important because they don't change, no matter what's happening around the electron.

So, by looking at good quantum numbers, scientists can make educated guesses about what an electron is doing. It's like knowing a secret code that helps us understand how particles move and behave.