ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gothic and Vandal warfare

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Gothic and Vandal warfare. Do you know who the Goths and Vandals were? They were people who lived a long time ago in Europe. They were warriors and they fought in battles.

Now, let's talk about how they fought. The Goths and Vandals were known for their skills in horseback riding and archery. They also used swords and other weapons like spears and axes.

When they went to battle, they would form a line of warriors. They would try to push the other line of warriors backwards until they broke and ran away. Sometimes, they would surprise their enemies by attacking them from behind or hiding in the trees and bushes.

The Goths and Vandals were also very clever. They would use tactics like pretending to retreat so that their enemies would follow them, and then they would turn around and attack from behind. They would also use their horses to make loud noises and scare their enemies.

In addition to fighting on land, they also fought on the water. The Vandals were especially good at building ships and they would use them to attack other ships and coastal towns.

So, in summary, the Gothic and Vandal warriors were skilled in horseback riding, archery, and sword fighting. They used clever tactics to defeat their enemies and were not afraid to fight on the water as well.