ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gravitational radiation

Gravitational radiation is a type of energy that comes from big objects like stars and black holes. Think of it like ripples on a pond after you throw a rock in- when big objects move around, they create ripples in space and time called gravitational waves.

These waves are like stretching and squeezing of space that can move through the universe, and even us, without us seeing or feeling them. Scientists use special detectors to try to detect these waves because they can tell us how big objects move and interact, which helps us understand more about the universe.

To help you visualize, imagine holding a ball in one hand and shaking it- you can feel the ball moving back and forth. That's similar to what gravitational radiation does to the universe- it sets everything shaking, and we can't see it, but we can see some of the things that happen because of it.