ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great Wall of Sand

So, imagine you are building a sandcastle on the beach. You pile up sand with a shovel and then use your hands to create walls and towers. Now, imagine that it's not just you building the sandcastle, but a bunch of people working together to make a really, really big sandcastle. But instead of using buckets and shovels, they are using big ships and machinery that can move tons of sand at a time.

The Great Wall of Sand is kind of like a really big, grown-up sandcastle, but it's not just for fun. It's actually a bunch of artificial islands that China is building in the South China Sea. The islands are being built on top of reefs and other shallow areas in the ocean. China is doing this because they want to control more of the area around the South China Sea.

The problem is that other countries, like the Philippines and Vietnam, also claim these areas as their own. They worry that China is building the islands to use as bases for military operations.

So, even though building sandcastles can be fun, building a Great Wall of Sand can cause some serious problems between countries.
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