ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know what water is? That's right, it's the clear liquid that comes out of the tap or shower that we use to clean ourselves, drink and cook with. Now, when we use water to wash our hands, bathe or brush our teeth, it's called greywater. You might wonder why it's called that - it's because it's not totally clean like the water we drink, but it's not super dirty either.

Greywater can be collected and reused for things like watering plants, flushing the toilet or washing clothes. This is a good thing because it saves a lot of water and reduces the amount of wastewater that needs to be treated.

But, you have to be careful because greywater can still have some germs and chemicals in it that can hurt the environment if it's not treated properly. That's why grown-ups usually use special systems to filter and clean the greywater before reusing it.

So, in summary, greywater is the water that comes from washing ourselves and other stuff, that can be reused to save water, but we have to make sure it's clean before using it again.
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