ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grigory Pasko

Grigory Pasko is a person who lived in Russia and worked as a journalist. He wrote about important things that were happening in the country, like how the government was treating people or what was going on in the environment.

But some people in power did not like what Grigory was saying. They thought that he was being too critical of the government and exposing things they wanted to keep secret. So they decided to arrest him and put him in jail for a long time.

However, many other people in Russia and around the world thought that what happened to Grigory was not fair. They believed that everyone should have the right to speak the truth and share their opinions, even if some people do not like it. So they spoke out and put pressure on the government to release Grigory.

Eventually, after many years in prison, Grigory was freed and allowed to leave Russia to start a new life. He is now living in another country and continuing to write and educate people about the importance of free speech and democracy.