ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Guinness World Records

Alright kiddo, do you know what a record is? It's like when you keep track of how many times you can jump rope or how long you can hold your breath. Guinness World Records is like a big book that keeps track of all kinds of records that people break all around the world.

Some people try to break records for things like running the fastest, jumping the highest, or eating the most hot dogs. But there are also silly records like the largest bubblegum bubble popped, the most people dressed as chickens in one place, and the longest fingernails in the world!

The people at Guinness World Records have to make sure that the record is real and that the person who broke it followed all the rules. Once a record is verified, it goes into the book for everyone to see!

So, basically, Guinness World Records is a book that tells us about all the amazing things people have done or can do. It's super cool and can inspire us to try new things and reach our full potential.