ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gunflint microfossils

Okay kiddo, so you know how tiny things that we can't see with our eyes are called micro stuff, right? Well, gunflint microfossils are super tiny fossilized remains of organisms that lived millions of years ago. They’re so small that we need a microscope to see them!

These microfossils were found in a place called Gunflint Formation in Canada, which is where they get their name. The Gunflint Formation is a special rock that formed long ago when the Earth was a bit different than it is now.

Scientists use these microfossils to learn about what the world was like a long time ago. By studying them, they can figure out things like what kind of creatures lived back then and what the environment was like.

Even though they're really small, these microfossils are actually really important because they help scientists understand what our planet was like a long, long time ago!
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