ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gynecologic ultrasonography

Gynecologic ultrasonography is a way for doctors to see inside a woman's body using sound waves. Do you know how bats use sound waves to "see" at night? It's kind of like that, but instead of looking for bugs, doctors are looking for things like babies, ovaries, and other female organs.

To do an ultrasound, the doctor or technician will put some special gel on a wand called a transducer. This wand is really just a special microphone that sends out sound waves and then listens for the echoes that come back. The gel helps the sound waves move through your skin and muscles so the doctor can get a better look at what's going on inside.

When the sound waves bounce back, they create pictures on a screen. These pictures help the doctor see if there's anything unusual going on. They might look at a baby to make sure it's growing properly, or check a woman's uterus and ovaries to see if there are any problems.

Don't worry, the ultrasound is painless and it only takes a few minutes. Your doctor will explain everything to you and make sure you're comfortable. And when it's all done, you can even take a peek at the pictures if you want!