ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, imagine you have two friends who want to talk to each other on the phone. The problem is, they live really far away from each other and can't just yell across the street like you can. So they both have to use a special machine called a phone to talk to each other.

Now, what if they want to see each other while they're talking on the phone? Well, they'd need a different special machine called a video phone. But what if their video phones don't work with each other? That's where H.324 comes in.

H.324 is like a special secret code that lets different video phones talk to each other even if they're made by different people. It's kind of like if you had a secret language that only you and your friends knew, and other people couldn't understand it.

So H.324 helps video phones from different companies talk to each other like they're all best friends. They can show each other pictures and videos and have a great time together, even if they're really far apart. And that's really cool!
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