ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Han nationalism

Han nationalism is a belief that Han Chinese people are the most important and deserving group in China. It means that these people believe that their culture, language, and customs are superior to those of other ethnic groups in China. It is important to remember that China is a country made up of many different ethnic groups and that all of them are equally important.

Imagine that you have a group of friends who all come from different backgrounds. One day, one of your friends says that people from their culture are the smartest and best. They start to act like they are better than everyone else and make fun of your other friends for not being as good as them. This is similar to what Han nationalism is.

Han nationalism can be harmful because it can lead to discrimination and unfair treatment of other ethnic groups in China. It can also cause tensions and conflict between different groups of people. It is important to value and respect all ethnic groups and to celebrate the diversity that makes China such a unique and wonderful place.