ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi

This is a saying that the Japanese people use to show the importance of being humble. It roughly translates to "The flower is a cherry blossom, the person is a samurai."

The cherry blossom is a delicate and beautiful flower that represents elegance, purity, and simplicity in Japanese culture. The samurai, on the other hand, is a warrior who represents strength, discipline, and honor.

So, when people say "hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi," they are reminding themselves to be like the cherry blossom – modest, graceful, and refined – and to be like the samurai – strong, disciplined, and honorable. They are also saying that just like how the cherry blossom's beauty comes from its simplicity, a person's strength and character should come from their humility.

In summary, this saying teaches people to value both their inner strength and outer beauty, while also reminding them to remain humble and grounded in all aspects of their lives.
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