ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Handbook on Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Okay kiddo, so a drug and alcohol abuse handbook is like a big book that helps people understand why drugs and alcohol are not good for them and what can happen if they use them too much.

Just like candy or toys, some things can be fun to use, but using too much or using the wrong kind can be really bad for you.

Drugs and alcohol can make us feel good, but if we use them too much or too often, they can hurt our bodies and our brains.

The handbook can explain things like why we should never take medicine that's not prescribed to us by a doctor, or why it's important to never drink and drive.

It also teaches people how to identify risky behaviors and make good choices to avoid using drugs and alcohol.

By learning these things, people can be healthy and happy without depending on drugs and alcohol.