ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hanging scroll

Okay kiddo, a hanging scroll is like a big long piece of paper or silk that's been painted on by an artist. Instead of hanging it flat on a wall like a picture frame, it's hung up on a piece of string or ribbon so it can roll up and down. It's like a window shade for a painting!

The scroll usually has a picture on one side and some writing on the other side. The picture can show anything the artist wants, like a landscape, a person, or some flowers. The writing can be a poem or some words that explain what the picture is about.

People in China and Japan have been making hanging scrolls for thousands of years, and they're still popular today. They're used to decorate important places like temples, homes, and offices. When you see a hanging scroll, you know that someone put a lot of time and care into making it just right.
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