ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hanseatic Days of New Time

Hanseatic Days of New Time is a fancy name for a big party that happened in northern Europe. You know how sometimes you have a birthday party with your friends and family? Well, imagine that instead of one person having a party, an entire group called the Hanseatic League had a party together.

The Hanseatic League was a group of cities that worked together to trade things like spices, cloth, and fish. They did this a long time ago, when there were no cars or airplanes, so they traveled by boat. The Hanseatic League started in the 1100s and lasted all the way until the 1600s.

But back to the party. The Hanseatic League decided to have a big celebration in the 1900s to remember all the good times they had trading with each other. They called it the Hanseatic Days of New Time. People from all the cities in the league came together to eat food, play games, listen to music, watch plays, and have fun. It was really cool because people from different places got to learn about each other's culture and traditions.

Even today, some cities that used to be part of the Hanseatic League still have Hanseatic Days celebrations. It's a way for them to remember their history and have fun with their neighbors. So, basically, it was a big party that happened a long time ago and people still have similar parties today to remember their history.