ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Harmonic major

Harmonic major is a special kind of musical scale. You know how when you play music, you go up and down a bunch of notes that sound good together? A scale is just a certain pattern of those notes.

The harmonic major scale is a very specific pattern of notes that sounds different from regular major and minor scales. It has a special note in it called the "raised sixth," which makes it sound a little bit happy and a little bit mysterious at the same time.

Imagine you're playing a game of hopscotch with your friends. You know how you hop on one foot and then the other and then both feet? The harmonic major scale is like a hopscotch game where you add an extra hop in the middle. It's like playing a game of hopscotch, but with a surprise extra jump that makes it even more fun!

So, just like how you have your special hopscotch game, musicians use the harmonic major scale to create music that has a special sound. It's a fancy trick that musicians use, so when you hear a song that sounds a little bit different from what you're used to, it might be using the harmonic major scale!