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Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame

The Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame is like a big house where people go to learn about horses and racing. Inside, there are many different things you can see and do, like looking at pictures and reading about horses and the people who take care of them.

Harness racing is a type of horse racing where the horse pulls a special cart called a "sulky." The sulky has big wheels and the horse's harness is attached to it so it can move faster. People have been doing this kind of racing for a very long time, and the museum is a special place that celebrates this tradition.

The museum has many special exhibits that show how horses and people work together to race. You can learn about how horses are trained, what they like to eat, and even see some of the trophies that winning horses have won. There are also lots of special events that happen at the museum, like shows and demonstrations, where you can see horses in action.

The Hall of Fame is a special part of the museum where they honor the most important people and horses in the history of harness racing. When someone is inducted into the Hall of Fame, it means they have done something really special to help the sport of harness racing.

Overall, the Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame is a really cool place where you can learn a lot about horses and how they race. It's like a big playground for people who love horses, and you can spend hours exploring all the different things it has to offer.