ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Harvard University

Harvard University is a really big school where people go to learn a lot of things. It is one of the oldest universities in the United States and lots of really famous and smart people have studied there.

At Harvard, you can study lots of different things like science, math, history, and even things like theater and music. You can also learn how to be a doctor or a lawyer. It's a place where people go to study really hard and become experts in their field.

Harvard is located in a city called Cambridge in the state of Massachusetts, which is part of the United States. It's a really big campus with lots of buildings and places to explore.

One thing that makes Harvard really special is its history. It was founded in 1636, which was a really long time ago! It's almost 400 years old! One of the most famous things about Harvard is its library, which has millions and millions of books! It's one of the biggest libraries in the whole world.

So, if you want to learn a lot and become really smart, then Harvard University is a great place to go!