ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hdl (identifier)

HDL stands for High-Density Lipoprotein which is like a superhero in your body because it helps to remove bad cholesterol (LDL) from your blood, just like a caped crusader would save the day.

Think of cholesterol as tiny Lego blocks which pile up in your blood when there are too many. HDL acts like a garbage truck and helps to pick up these Lego blocks and take them to the recycling center (liver) where they can be reused or thrown away.

HDL is important because having high levels of it can help to prevent heart disease and stroke. You can increase your levels of HDL by exercising, eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, and avoiding saturated fats found in things like fried foods and sugary snacks. So be like HDL and be a hero for your body!