Health systems are like a big wheel. The wheel is made up of lots of different parts working together. The parts are like spokes connected to the wheel. They help you stay healthy, get sick care and keep your health information safe.
The first part is the doctors, nurses and other health workers. They are like the spokes, they provide health care by giving check-ups, vaccinations, treating illnesses, checking your records and giving advice.
The second part is the hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and other health facilities. They are like the wheel's hub. They provide the place where doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers can do their jobs.
The third part is the government. They are like the wheel's frame. They provide laws about health, like how drugs and medical devices are used, and help fund health care.
The last part is the health insurance companies. They are like the wheel's rim. They provide insurance plans to help cover the cost of healthcare, so people with health problems can afford to get the care they need.