ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heavy infantry

Heavy infantry are soldiers who wear very strong and heavy armor to protect themselves in battle. This armor can be made of metal, leather or other tough materials. The armor is so heavy that the soldiers need to be super strong to be able to move around in it.

Since the armor is very strong, it is hard for enemies to harm the soldiers wearing it. This means that heavy infantry soldiers are very good at defending themselves and their fellow soldiers.

Heavy infantry soldiers are usually equipped with weapons that are also heavy and tough. They use swords, axes, and maces to fight their enemies. These weapons are also very strong, so they can cause a lot of damage to an enemy.

In battle, heavy infantry soldiers usually move slowly because of the weight of their armor and weaponry. They usually stand together in lines to form a shield wall to protect themselves and fight against the enemy.

Overall, heavy infantry soldiers are very important in wars because they can withstand a lot of damage while also dishing out a lot of damage to their enemies.