ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Light infantry

Light infantry refers to soldiers who are trained to use their feet to move quickly and quietly through places like forests or cities. These soldiers are also trained to be very adaptable, which means they can quickly switch between different tasks, like attacking enemy troops or gathering information about the enemy's movements.

One of the most important things for a light infantry soldier is to be able to move quickly and quietly. This means they need to be physically fit and able to move through different kinds of terrain, like mud, grass, or rocky ground. They also need to be able to move without making too much noise, so they often wear special boots and are trained to walk in a way that doesn't create a lot of sound.

Another important aspect of being a light infantry soldier is being able to work well in small teams. In many cases, light infantry soldiers work in groups of just a few people, so they need to be able to communicate effectively and work together to achieve their goals. They also need to be able to think on their feet and come up with creative solutions to problems, since they don't always have a lot of resources or support.

Overall, light infantry soldiers are a crucial part of any military force, since they are often the first ones into battle and are able to gather important information about the enemy. By being fast, adaptable, and able to work well in small teams, these soldiers are able to tackle a wide range of tasks and help ensure the success of their mission.