ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heavy menstrual bleeding

Alright kiddo, so you know how when you are playing with your friends outside and you fall and get a little cut, your body sends red liquid called blood to help you heal?

Well, girls have a special place in their body called the uterus where a baby can grow if they become a mommy. Every month, if they don't become a mommy, their body sheds the extra blood and tissues in the uterus. This comes out of the body through the vagina and is called a period.

But sometimes, the amount of blood and tissue that comes out during a period is a lot more than usual. That's when we call it heavy menstrual bleeding.

It can happen for many reasons like having a hormone imbalance, stress, certain medicines, or even certain medical conditions.

When girls experience heavy menstrual bleeding, they may need to change their pads or tampons very frequently or even change them during the night. They may feel more tired than usual or have low energy.

If you ever feel like you or someone you know is having heavy menstrual bleeding, it's important to tell an adult so they can help find the best way to make it better.