ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hecate is a goddess from ancient Greek mythology. She is often depicted as having three faces and being associated with things that happen at night, like magic and the underworld.

Think of Hecate like your favorite superhero - she has special powers and abilities that make her different from other people. She is very good at taking care of things that happen in dark places or times, like when the sun goes down and it gets dark outside.

Sometimes people would pray to Hecate to help them with things that were scary or hard to deal with, like when someone they loved died or when they needed to do something secret or important. Hecate was believed to be a protector of travelers and women who were giving birth, too.

In some stories, Hecate was even said to have the power to turn people into animals, like frogs or dogs! But mostly, people believed that Hecate was a kind goddess who wanted to help them when they were in need.