ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Herbivores are animals that eat plants. Just like how you eat vegetables, some animals like cows, sheep, and giraffes also like to eat plants! When they eat plants, they use their mouth to rip off pieces of the plant and chew it up into little bits. These little bits are then sent to their stomachs, where special acids help break down the plant material and turn it into energy that the animal can use to move, grow, and stay healthy.

Sometimes, herbivores can cause damage to the plants they eat. If they eat too much of one type of plant, it can hurt the plant's ability to grow and make more food for other animals. However, plants have some ways to protect themselves from too much herbivory. For example, some plants have thorns or spikes on their leaves or stems to keep animals from eating them. Other plants have tough, bitter-tasting leaves that animals don't like to eat.

In nature, herbivory is a very important part of the ecosystem. Herbivores help keep the balance of nature by eating plants and keeping them from getting too plentiful. In turn, this helps other animals that might rely on those plants for food to also stay healthy and survive. So, herbivores play an important role in keeping the whole ecosystem healthy and balanced!