ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Heryshaf is a god who the ancient Egyptians believed in a long time ago. They thought he was very powerful and important, and some people even thought he was the creator of the world.

He was often shown as a man with a ram head, which might seem kind of silly, but to the Egyptians, it was important because the ram was a very strong and powerful animal that could jump really high and climb up mountains. They thought that by putting a ram head on their god, it would make him even more powerful!

The thing that Heryshaf was most known for was helping people who had died. The ancient Egyptians believed that when someone died, their soul would go on to live forever in a place called the afterlife. But in order to get there, their soul had to pass through a bunch of tests, and sometimes it would get lost or stuck along the way.

That's where Heryshaf came in! People believed that he could help guide the souls of the dead on their journey to the afterlife, and he would protect them from any dangers they might face along the way. This made him a very important and beloved god to the ancient Egyptians.