ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Higashiyama Bunka

Higashiyama Bunka is a special kind of culture that comes from Japan. Higashiyama Bunka people think that the best way to be happy is to focus on the small things, like taking care of flowers, tea or just sitting in a peaceful garden.

This culture started a long time ago, when Japan was ruled by samurais, and people had to be very careful and polite all the time. They had to find small, quiet distractions to keep them happy and peaceful, so they started to create small gardens, make little tea ceremonies, and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Today, Higashiyama Bunka is a way of life for some Japanese people. They value traditional arts, like calligraphy, flower arrangement, and tea ceremony, and try to be mindful of their surroundings. They believe that being kind and respectful to other people, and taking care of the environment, are important parts of Higashiyama Bunka.

Overall, Higashiyama Bunka is all about enjoying the simple things in life, being respectful towards others, and finding peace and happiness in the present moment.