ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Higgsless model

So, you know how scientists have this big machine called the Large Hadron Collider that helps them study tiny particles that make up everything around us? Well, one of the particles they were looking for is called the Higgs boson. It's like a doorway to understanding how the universe works.

But some scientists have been thinking, what if we don't need that doorway to understand the universe? What if we could explain everything without the Higgs boson? That's where the higgsless model comes in.

Think of it like building a Lego tower. Normally, we need a special piece called the support beam to hold the tower up. But some people have figured out how to build a tower without the support beam. It's harder to do, but it works just as well.

In the same way, the higgsless model is like building the universe without the Higgs boson. Scientists have come up with a different way to explain why particles have mass and how they interact with each other. It's more complicated than the traditional way, but it still works and it's worth exploring.

So basically, the higgsless model is a different way to understand the universe without relying on one specific particle. It's like building a tower without using a support beam - it's harder to do, but it still works.
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