ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hilbert projection theorem

Imagine you have a big toy box full of different toys. You want to organize them in a certain way so that each toy is in a separate box. But, you only have a few separate boxes to work with. How can you do it?

This is kind of like what the Hilbert Projection Theorem is about, but instead of toys and boxes, we're talking about math concepts called "spaces" and "subspaces." A space is like a big toy box, and a subspace is a smaller box that fits inside the big one.

The Hilbert Projection Theorem says that if you have a space that's like a big toy box, and you have a subspace inside it that's like a smaller box, then you can project, or "squish," any point in the big space down onto the subspace. And, when you do this, you'll get a point that's in the smaller subspace. This is kind of like taking a toy out of the big toy box and putting it in the smaller box.

But, the Hilbert Projection Theorem goes even further. It says that this projection is unique, which means there's only one way to do it. And, this projection preserves distances between points. That means if two points are far apart in the big space, they'll still be far apart after you squish them down onto the smaller subspace.

So, the Hilbert Projection Theorem is a way to organize math concepts called "spaces" and "subspaces" in a way that helps us understand them better. It's kind of like organizing toys in a toy box to make them easier to play with.