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Hindu Temple Society of North America

The Hindu Temple Society of North America is a big building where people who follow the Hindu religion go to worship their gods and goddesses. It's like a big house with many rooms inside where people can pray and do religious ceremonies.

The temple is located in a place called New York in the United States of America. Many Indian and other Hindu people live in America and they come to the temple to worship, learn more about their religion and get together with others who follow the same faith.

The Hindu religion has many different gods and goddesses which people pray to depending on what they need help with. For example, there is a god called Ganesh who helps people overcome obstacles, or a goddess called Lakshmi who is worshipped for wealth and prosperity.

When people come to the temple, they take off their shoes and wash their hands, as a sign of respect. They then go inside and see beautiful statues of the gods and goddesses. These statues are decorated with colorful flowers and lights, and people offer fruits, sweets, and other things that they think their gods would like.

There are also priests in the temple who help people with their prayers and give blessings. The priests wear colorful clothes and do special ceremonies to honor the gods and goddesses.

Apart from religious activities, the Hindu Temple Society of North America also organizes cultural events, language classes, and other social gatherings. The temple is a place where people can come together to share their love and faith in their religion.