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History of Bhutan

Bhutan is a small country located in the Himalayas between India and China. It has a very interesting history that goes back a very long time.

A very long time ago, Bhutan was ruled by different small kingdoms. These kingdoms were often at war with each other. However, in the 17th century, a great leader named Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel came to power. He united the different kingdoms and became the first king of Bhutan.

Bhutan remained an independent country for centuries until the British in India arrived. In 1907, the people of Bhutan chose a new king, Ugyen Wangchuck. He signed a treaty with the British, which allowed Bhutan to remain independent but also established a relationship between the two countries.

In the 1950s, Bhutan began to modernize. The king introduced a lot of reforms, including building roads and schools. In 1972, Jigme Singye Wangchuck became the new king. He also introduced many reforms and focused on improving the economy of Bhutan.

In 2008, Bhutan made a historic shift to a democratic government. The king gave up his power and the people elected their own government. This change was made as Bhutan wanted to keep up with the rest of the modern world.

Bhutan is known for its unique culture and traditions. Its people follow Buddhism and have a strong respect for nature. They are also known for their beautiful traditional clothing, music and dance.

Overall, Bhutan's history is one of independence, unity and modernization. It is still a small country, but its influence on the world is growing as more and more people become interested in its unique culture and traditions.