So, a long time ago, grown-ups used big computers to write and store important information. But sometimes, it was hard for them to keep track of all the things they saved on these computers.
That's when the smart grown-ups invented operating systems to help them organize their data better. One of the operating systems they made was called IBM's CP-67/CMS.
Now CP-67/CMS was really cool because it allowed the grown-ups to do many things using just one computer. They could store data, run programs and even share their work with others, all from the same computer!
But as time passed, other smart grown-ups wanted to make their own operating systems that could do even more things. That's when Michigan Terminal System (MTS) was created.
MTS was even better than CP-67/CMS because it was more user-friendly and had more features, like more memory and better security. It allowed the grown-ups to do things like communicate with each other without worrying about their data being lost or stolen.
So, that's the story of how CP/CMS and MTS were born, helping grown-ups store and organize their important data in big computers long, long ago.