ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Kosovo

Kosovo used to be a part of Yugoslavia, which was a country in Europe made up of different regions. In the 1990s, Serbia (a country in Yugoslavia) tried to control Kosovo, even though most of the people who lived there were Albanians (a different ethnicity than Serbians). This caused a lot of tensions and fighting between Serbians and Albanians.

In 1998, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), a group of Albanian fighters, started a war with Serbian forces. NATO, which is a group of countries that work together to protect each other, decided to get involved to stop the fighting. NATO bombed Serbia in 1999, and eventually, Serbia withdrew its forces from Kosovo.

After the war ended, Kosovo was placed under the control of the United Nations, which is a group that tries to help keep peace in different parts of the world. In 2008, Kosovo declared independence from Serbia. Some countries, like the United States and many in Europe, recognized Kosovo as its own country, but others, like Serbia, did not.

Today, Kosovo is still considered a disputed territory by some, but it has its own government and people who are working towards making it a better place to live.