ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of heat

Well kiddo, heat is something we feel when we touch something that is warm or hot. But do you know where heat comes from? Let me explain.

A long time ago, before people knew what heat was, they noticed that some things were hot while others were cold. They also found that they could make things hot by rubbing them together.

As time passed, people started to learn more about heat through science. They found out that everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms. When these atoms move around, they create heat.

Heat is measured in units called "degrees." We use thermometers to measure the temperature of something, which tells us how hot or cold it is.

One of the most important discoveries about heat was made by a scientist named James Prescott Joule. He found out that heat and energy could be changed into different forms. This helped us understand how heat works in things like our cars and homes.

Over time, people have come up with many ways to use heat for different purposes. For example, we use heat to cook our food, keep our homes warm, and even to generate electricity.

So, the history of heat is the story of how people learned about this important part of our world and how they have used it to make our lives better.