ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of heat engine technology

A heat engine is a machine that transforms thermal energy into mechanical energy. Heat engine technology has been around for a long time and it has evolved over the years. Here is a timeline of heat engine technology:

- 1698: English scientist Thomas Savery invented the first crude heat engine, an early type of steam engine.

- 1712: Thomas Newcomen invented another type of steam engine which was used to pump water from mines.

- 1769: James Watt made improvements to the Newcomen engine and his engine revolutionized the steam engine.

- 1824: Scottish engineer George Stephenson invented the locomotive and the steam railway engine.

- 1876: Nikolaus Otto invented the four-stroke internal combustion engine, which is still widely used in cars today.

- 1900: Rudolf Diesel developed the diesel engine, an improved version of the internal combustion engine.

- 1912: Charles F. Kettering and his team at General Motors invented the electric starter, which replaced the hand crank on gasoline-powered cars.

Heat engine technology has come a long way over the past centuries, making today's cars much more reliable and efficient.