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History of the Bulgarian language

Bulgarian is a language that is spoken by people in Bulgaria, which is a country in Europe. People have been speaking Bulgarian for a very long time - more than 1,000 years!

Many years ago (around the 9th century), a group of people called the Bulgars came to the area that is now Bulgaria and brought with them their own language. The Bulgars mixed with the people who already lived there (who spoke other languages) and eventually their language became the one that everyone spoke.

Over time, the Bulgarian language has changed a lot. Different rulers and conquerors have come and gone in Bulgaria, and each one has left their mark on the language. For example, when the Ottoman Empire ruled Bulgaria for many years, some Turkish words became part of Bulgarian.

The way that people write Bulgarian has also changed over time. In the past, Bulgarian was written using a different script (an alphabet called Cyrillic) than the one that is used now. The modern Bulgarian alphabet was created in the 19th century and is based on a modified version of the Cyrillic script.

Today, Bulgarian is a complicated but fascinating language with lots of interesting history and culture behind it. People continue to speak it and learn more about it every day!