ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the Halifax Regional Municipality

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the history of the Halifax Regional Municipality.

Before the Halifax Regional Municipality existed, there were smaller towns and communities in the area, including Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, and several others. These towns had their own governing bodies and elected officials.

But in 1996, the provincial government of Nova Scotia decided to merge these towns together to form one big municipality. They called it the Halifax Regional Municipality (or HRM for short).

The goal of this merger was to make things more efficient and save money by not having so many different governments and services in one small area.

Since then, the HRM has grown and changed a lot. It now covers a much larger area than the original towns did, and it has more people living in it.

The HRM is run by a mayor and a council, who are elected by the people who live there. They make decisions about things like roads, parks, schools, and public services.

Overall, the Halifax Regional Municipality is a pretty cool place with a long and interesting history!