ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the Jews in Hungary

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the history of the Jews in Hungary.

A long time ago, in the 9th century, some Jewish people moved to Hungary which was a country in Europe. They were welcomed by the king of Hungary and given some special rights. Over time, more and more Jewish people came to Hungary and they made a big community there.

The Jewish people in Hungary were doing well and they had their own schools, hospitals, and businesses. But then in the early 20th century, a group of people called the Nazis came to power in Germany and they didn't like Jewish people. They wanted to kill them all.

Hungary didn't like what the Nazis were doing, but they were afraid of them too. So, during World War II, some bad Hungarian leaders decided to help the Nazis by giving them information about where the Jewish people were living. The Nazis then came and took the Jewish people away to concentration camps where many of them were killed.

After World War II, Hungary became a communist country and the Jewish people there were not treated very well. They were not allowed to practice their religion freely and many of their things were taken away.

But later on, the communist system fell apart and Hungary became a democratic country. The Jewish people there were finally allowed to practice their religion freely again and they started to rebuild their community. Today, there are still Jewish people in Hungary who are proud of their history and culture.